Thursday, May 19, 2005


If you've seen my dad (a.k.a. Peepaw), you know that he has wavy hair that comes to his collar. (He's a musician) Anyways, the other day, Bubba found a quarter and was studying it. I was in the middle of something and not really paying attention. Suddenly I heard him say, "Peepaw!" as he was looking at it. I looked over to see what he meant, and realized that Peepaw did look like George Washington in a wierd kind of way.

My dad is a very attractive man, and would never be mistaken for G.W. in real life. But I do think Bubba's perspective wasn't too off base! He probably just thinks that of course it would have to be someone he knew on the quarter. Who really knows?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My brother looks like Fred Flintstone, and I say that with all the love I can muster.

9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is martha washington (a.k.a meemaw) - i love how you thought that peepaw looked like george washington - good look bigboy - in all the books we read together you ask "what's that guys name" - one fun book you enjoy is "go dog go" - love you, meemaw

8:45 PM  
Blogger Zoanna said...

That's one observant little guy you got there, Abby. I will never see lyour dad the same way again. From now on George Washington will always play guitar in my mind.

5:02 PM  

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