Monday, June 20, 2005


Bubba cracks me up! The way he asks for things is so cute. He'll see something on the counter that he wants and then he'll ask for it. But sometimes it's confusing, so I'll repeat what I think he's saying just to clarify his question. Here's an example.

He'll say, "Hey mom, I want one of dose right up dayah!" Then, even if he knows he's not supposed to have one, he knows I'll say, "You want one of these cookies?" Of course I'm not offering, I'm just trying to clarify his statement.

Then he says, "Otay".

Poor guy thinks I'm offering. Oh well.


Blogger Briana Almengor said...

I like his style. I'll have to try that on Lawrence! :)

9:39 AM  
Blogger Zoanna said...

Abby, you horrible mean mama!

Joel has a cute way of asking for things that are on top of the fridge (or otherwise out of his reach.) He says to one of his very tall siblings, "Will you pwease get dat sing for me? It's uppa my weach." As cute as it is, we have to remind him it's uppa his weach for a weason.

4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahha - yeppers! poor little guy - ?who has the hard time understanding? - way to go jack - love ya - meemaw

7:51 PM  

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