Monday, June 20, 2005


For being only 2 years old, Bubba does a decent job at speaking clearly. (At least I can understand him) This morning he was saying something to [G]rammy and she could not make out what it was. She asked me to "translate". I said, "Oh, he's saying Syndrome is a bad guy with the omnidroid". She looked at me and laughed because that's exactly what it sounded like, she just didn't know who Syndrome was and what in the world an omnidroid was.

Gee, I thought everyone, not just children, knew that Syndrome was the bad guy from "The Incredibles" movie and that he created an omnidroid to try to take over the world! Come on, Grammy!

To be fair, I can understand why she couldn't understand him. He just said it out of the clear blue. He wasn't playing with anything to indicate this statement.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack constantly amazes me with his vocabulary and the things he remembers. You have to admit Syndrome and omnidroid are not words that most two year olds know.

I love you my guy!

10:53 PM  
Blogger Laurie said...

That's our little genius!

7:37 AM  
Blogger Zoanna said...

Wait till he starts saying things my Stephen whipped out of his amazing memory: trichotellomania.

Not sure it's spelled right, but he watched a Discovery channel show at about age four. It featured people who literally pull all their hair out--and end up wearing wigs. It's an OCD thing , I think. He remembers it years later.

4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

big boy - it's great that i have mom to translate for me - especially when you are in your "super-hero-mode" -
love ya - meemaw

7:40 PM  

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