Mr. Potato Head

Buba likes to imitate me too much. It's a bit scary when you realize what you say all the time, but hear it repeated in a toddler voice.
Things like:
"Yea, I fink it is!"
"Are you Tidding?"
"Do you underthtand?"
Anyways, the other day Bubba was playing with Mr. Potato Head and was seeming a bit disturbed.
So, his Auntie said, "Is Mr. Potato head okay?"
Jack replied with, "He's being demanding".
I find Mr. Potatoto Head to be one of our most demanding toys. Although Barbie could give him a run for his money...what a prima donna!
Karen, you are too funny girl!
Ab, I think he was actually imitating his auntie on that one.
My Emma (nearly three) who dearly loves to complain about her big sis' has just started coming to me saying "She's bein' demandin'!" (wish I could put an audio clip of her saying that - it's so cute, if I do say so myself.)Don't have to wonder where she got that!! At the same time it is encouraging to know that some of what we are saying is, really truely, getting through!!
Anyway - love your blog! It's a great use of blog-space.
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