I find it hilarious that most children repeat statements that they hear adults say. Especially their parents and grandparents, etc.
Meemaw has a sandbox in her backyard that all the grandkids absolutely love. Jack will sit in it for hours without complaint and usually does a pretty good job not getting sand all over himself.
One day, though, he was playing in it while Meemaw was basking in the sun in a lawn chair nearby. He started to fling the sand so Meemaw said, "Bubba, don't fling the sand because it could get in your eyes."
Bubba replied, "Da be sad, right?"
I think my mom and I say that to him all the time. :)
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Meemaw doesn't have any neighborhood cats, does she? My hubby refuses to have a sandbox for that reason. We had one when our olders were little, but the cats in the 'hood liked it, too,if ya know what I mean. Paul doesn't want Joel to discover "swockwit bars" (chocolate bars) in one.
the sandbox is the best - you love to set up all your army guys and use the sand toys - what fun fun fun - and flinging the sand . . well. . . this is just part of the fun - yet . . . getting it into your little eyes, yikes! - or meemaws eyes, yikes! - now that would be sad, right - love ya, meemaw
Abi, your accounts of Jack and Charli made me laugh! I think I read all of your posts =) Probably because I am bored and need some thank you!
Why do they keep deleting all my !@#@!! comments?
He is such a cutie!
Does Laurie think Peepaw is a cutie or Jack?
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