Growing Up Fast

Wow, I can't believe that I have a son who doesn't wear diapers anymore, sleeps in a big boy bed, and has full length conversations on the phone with his Meemaw and Peepaw. It's kinda scary how they're born, they start to eat baby food, and then all of a sudden they're potty trained. Speaking of being potty trained, I guess I finally pushed through and did it! After Christmas, I decided that January was going to be the big month of "goeen on da toelet" as Jack puts it.
The first 2 days of training began and let's just say he wasn't getting it. I'd put him on the toilet for like 15 minutes and as soon as he got down, he would pee on Grammy's carpet. The thought of not having anymore children actually crossed my mind. Thankfully I don't feel that way anymore. After much frustration into the 2nd day, the brilliant idea of praying came to mind. :)
So, the Lord gave me new patience and some fresh ideas to try on the 3rd day. Grammy said that when Jimmy was little, he would stand on a stool and try to aim into the toilet and that seemed to work. So, we got the stool and tried it, and what do ya worked for us too! It's amazing how at the age of 2 1/2, a little boy has absolutely no shame. I would put him on the stool and give him 2 "guys" to play with. Standing there with his pants around his ankles, he would just begin to dialog back and forth with his little men. I saw him and smiled after 2 days of "the deer caught in headlights" look.
Wow, it's amazing how when you actually ask the Lord for help, He will help you. Poor little guy finally got the Snowman Pez dispenser he was promised once he went on the toilet. And let me just tell you that that little snowman was emptied as fast as it was filled.
I definitely have faith for those future obstacles that come my way. I know that the Lord's grace is truly sufficient and all I need for each season of my life. And there aren't too many things cuter than a tiny hiney in little Spiderman undies. :)