Monday, May 30, 2005

"Bless You, Baby Girl!"

Bubba either calls his baby sister "baby girl" or "baby Charli". I think he thinks that the "baby" part is actually part of her name.

Anyways, the other day she coughed and tooted at the same time. (She's still trying to figure out how to control all her bodily functions at once) Jack was in the middle of playing with his action figures and overheard the 2 noises from across the room. And without looking up or even pausing in his actions, he said, "Bless you, baby girl!"

We're still trying to teach him which polite responses go with which bodily functions.

Baby Charli's Dip

Bubba loves to have ranch dressing with his cucumbers and green beans. He callls it "DIP". He came over to me while I was "burping" baby Charli after her feeding. He looked at her and saw a little bit of spit up on her lip. With excitement in his voice he exclaimed, "Baby Charli's Dip, Mama!"

"Yea, Bubba!" (My standard response) I'm just glad he didn't put his green bean in it! :)

Thursday, May 26, 2005

It's Batman!

Bubba is very in to his action figures. His favorite is Spiderman, but Batman is definitely a close 2nd. While he was in the car with Meemaw, he kept saying, "It's Batman! Batman, Meemaw!" My mom was thinking, "Sure, Batman is really out here on the street somewhere!" Then she looked and saw a big yellow sign with 2 black arrows pointing in either direction. Then she realized what he meant and said, "Oh yea, Bubba, that is Batman"! Of course, for you slower individuals, it really wasn't batman, but it sure looked like his symbol. :)

Friday, May 20, 2005

Gettin' Busy!

Bubba loves to say "I'm gettin' busy" after we spin him around in circles. I think he means "I'm gettin' dizzy". Just a guess.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


If you've seen my dad (a.k.a. Peepaw), you know that he has wavy hair that comes to his collar. (He's a musician) Anyways, the other day, Bubba found a quarter and was studying it. I was in the middle of something and not really paying attention. Suddenly I heard him say, "Peepaw!" as he was looking at it. I looked over to see what he meant, and realized that Peepaw did look like George Washington in a wierd kind of way.

My dad is a very attractive man, and would never be mistaken for G.W. in real life. But I do think Bubba's perspective wasn't too off base! He probably just thinks that of course it would have to be someone he knew on the quarter. Who really knows?

"Ride da Horsey"

Bubba (Jack), my 2 year old, gives a running commentary throughout the day of what is going on in his little brain. In many ways this is such a blessing. His 3 month old baby sister was lying on her tummy, just "reading" her little book when I heard the words "I gonna ride da horsey"! I looked over to see Bubba's leg lifted, ready to straddle her little body. Of course I rushed over to her rescue, and gently told him that baby Charli is not a horsey, and definitely could not handle 32 pounds bouncing on top of her. I then made sure he got his horsey ride...on Mommy, of course!