Friday, June 24, 2005

Napoleon Dynamite

A few months ago, I was watching Napoleon Dynamite and bubba got really into it. I would have thought that he would have been bored to death, but he proved me wrong. He sat through the whole thing. I skipped the "anger" and "slapping" scenes, just to be safe.

It was so funny, because he really liked Uncle Rico. Every time the scene would change, he would say, "Where Unca Rico go, Mama?"

About 3 months after he watched the movie, my brother Jake was playing the soundtrack on his computer. I told him to play the "Uncle Rico" song without bubba hearing me say that. For those of you who haven't seen the movie, it's this funky bass and electric guitar song that sounds pretty 70's-ish. Anyways, I said to bubba, "What song is this?"

He said, "Unca Rico!"

I about fell out of my chair, because we hadn't spoken of Unca Rico since he saw the movie. Hopefully his obsession with him has faded away. You see, Unca Rico wasn't really the good guy of the movie. He was pretty proud and thought he could throw a football "over them mountains".

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I find it hilarious that most children repeat statements that they hear adults say. Especially their parents and grandparents, etc.

Meemaw has a sandbox in her backyard that all the grandkids absolutely love. Jack will sit in it for hours without complaint and usually does a pretty good job not getting sand all over himself.

One day, though, he was playing in it while Meemaw was basking in the sun in a lawn chair nearby. He started to fling the sand so Meemaw said, "Bubba, don't fling the sand because it could get in your eyes."

Bubba replied, "Da be sad, right?"

I think my mom and I say that to him all the time. :)

Monday, June 20, 2005


Jack loves his firetruck from Grammy. It's got doors that open so he can put little guys in the front seats. He was playing with it the other day and said, "Where's his seatbelt, mama?"

I said, "I don't know."

Then, with a concerned look on his face, he said, "But he needs his seatbelt, mama!"

Wow! I'm so glad that my son is aware of a need for safety precautions.


Bubba cracks me up! The way he asks for things is so cute. He'll see something on the counter that he wants and then he'll ask for it. But sometimes it's confusing, so I'll repeat what I think he's saying just to clarify his question. Here's an example.

He'll say, "Hey mom, I want one of dose right up dayah!" Then, even if he knows he's not supposed to have one, he knows I'll say, "You want one of these cookies?" Of course I'm not offering, I'm just trying to clarify his statement.

Then he says, "Otay".

Poor guy thinks I'm offering. Oh well.


For being only 2 years old, Bubba does a decent job at speaking clearly. (At least I can understand him) This morning he was saying something to [G]rammy and she could not make out what it was. She asked me to "translate". I said, "Oh, he's saying Syndrome is a bad guy with the omnidroid". She looked at me and laughed because that's exactly what it sounded like, she just didn't know who Syndrome was and what in the world an omnidroid was.

Gee, I thought everyone, not just children, knew that Syndrome was the bad guy from "The Incredibles" movie and that he created an omnidroid to try to take over the world! Come on, Grammy!

To be fair, I can understand why she couldn't understand him. He just said it out of the clear blue. He wasn't playing with anything to indicate this statement.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

The Colander

I decided that I was in an organizing mood. So, I started to clean out all the cabinets in the kitchen. I pulled everything out and had it all over the kitchen floor. Bubba came in as curious as ever, to see what all the banging was. I wasn't paying attention to him and then all of a sudden I heard him breathing really heavy. I looked over at him and saw the metal colander on his face.

I said, "what are you doing?"

He said, "I Darth Bader, Mama".

Friday, June 10, 2005

Star Wars!

One of Bubba's favorite things to ask me is, "Can I have a snat (snack), mama?" Well, we were fresh out of his favorite...fruit snacks, and so I was looking in the pantry to see what else I could give him. I saw a thing of Starburst and thought that he might like one of those. So I said, "Do you want a Starburst, honey?" His face lit up and he said "Star Wars, yea!"

The Spidey Stance

Each Sunday morning when we go to church, Jack goes to his "class" after about 45 minutes of praise and worship with the congregation. He loves it in there, even though it includes babies who are about 5 months all the way up to kids his age (2).

(Sometimes the people that cheerfully and willingly serve in the class get confused and wonder if he's one of the helpers.)

Anyways, last Sunday he was having a great time just playing with this one new toy he found. Out of the blue a kid comes up to him and rips it out of his hand. Without batting an eye, he went into the "Spidey Stance". He basically was in a sort of kung fu type of stance with his one arm stretched out in front of him and his hand in the spidey formation. It's the sign for "I love you" in sign language. The middle and ring finger are curled in and the other three are outstretched. (For the uncultured)

Needless to say, I was a little embarrassed when the Nursery worker told me all about his "Spidey Stance" when I went to pick him up. I was just glad he didn't follow through with any violent actions. :)

It's bright out here!

We've had the privilige of living with Grammy and Papu for the past few months. Bubba loves to take walks around their large cul-de-sac. A few days ago him and Rammy (when he says it, the "G" is silent) went for a walk with Grammy's little fluffy, white puppy, Sophie. After spending most of the day indoors, the sunshine was definitely a shocker to his little 2 year old eyes.

After about a minute or two of bearing with the brightness, he thought to himself, " I gotta do something about this annoying feeling". He finally figured out a solution and said, "Rammy, I need my sunglasses!"

He thinks through things a bit too much, I think.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

"Doctor Octopus, Mom!"

Bubba loves his puzzles. We have one that has all these different "animals of the sea". He was naming all the different ones as he was doing it. First he did the seahorse, then the goldfish, then the crab, then the starfish, and then when he grabbed the octopus, he said so proudly, "Doctor Octopus, Mom!"

For those of you who don't know who Doctor Octopus is, just watch Spider Man 2 and you'll realize that he is the villain. Jack has never seen the movie, but of course he knows who "Doc Ock" is. :)