Thursday, June 08, 2006

This Is No Fairy Tale

Jimmy brought home a book called "This Is No Fairy Tale". It is a precious children's book with beautiful illustrations. Basically the book is the story of Jesus' life, but with each page there is a contrast between what really happened and what would have happened if Jesus' life was a fairy tale.

So I decided to read it to Bubba and he really seemed to be interested and enjoying it. We went through the beginning of Jesus' life and written were things like, "If this were a fairy tale, Jesus would have been born in a big castle in a great kingdom...The truth is, Jesus was born to a poor family in a small country..." So you can see how gripping it is to see how humble Christ was and how He chose a lowly, simple life.

So the story goes on and talks about how Jesus allowed Himself to be arrested instead of commanding the soldiers to bow to Him. And then it shows how He was wrongfully accused and could have rode into battle on a mighty horse, but was beaten and mocked and stood before a crowd that cheered for Him to be crucified.

Well by this point in the book I am really starting to get broken up and feeling so aware of Christ's humility and seeing how He chose to obey and die in my place and I'm thinking that my little, sweet boy is being affected in the same way. The thought actually crossed my mind, "I wonder if today's the day of salvation for him!"

Well, let's just say I was wrong, because as we were looking at the page that had a picture of Jesus on trial, being guarded by the soldiers, Jack said to me, "Mom, can I have that sword and helmet for my birthday?"

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Telephone

I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but I'm pretty sure that I'm not alone in this area.

As soon as I start talking on the phone, my kids turn into wild monkeys. It's bizarre! It's like they know that I'm not paying full attention to them and they kind of go into that psycho mode. That's why I keep my phone conversations to a minimum when they're awake. I think I spend most of my time on the phone asking them to "be quiet please".

Well, I think this happens a lot, because the other day I was in my bedroom getting Charli ready for bed. I was tickling her and making her laugh and we were definitely being loud. Well Bubba came over with his play phone on his ear and looked at me so serious and he said, "Excuse me Mama, but could you be quiet please?"

So to set a good example for him, I said, "Sure honey, I'll be quiet so you can talk on the phone." I don't think he's learned from my example yet, but we're working on it...

Let's Go To ALPHA!

We have a 10 week course at our church called ALPHA. It is a great course that gives unbelievers and new believers opportunities to hear about the gospel, eat a meal together, and ask any questions they might have.

Well, lately I've been trying to help Jack to learn his letters. So when I told him that we were going to ALPHA, he got real excited and said, "Yea, let's go to Alphabet!" It was so cute and so I didn't correct him. But it was really sad when we got to the church and he went up to the double doors to go inside. He looked at me when he realized where we were and said, "Mom, this isn't alphabet, this is church!"