Reading a book

Jimmy wanted to read a book with Bubba when he got home from work.
Bubba said, "no".
Jimmy told him to go a pick out a book, so he did. As he brought it over to him, Jimmy started to grab him to put him in his lap. Bubba was still resisting, and so Jimmy said, "Bubba, don't you want Daddy to read you a book?"
Bubba wanted to read, he just didn't want to sit in Jimmy's lap. We realized why, when he said, "I poopin', Daddy".
Jimmy gave him a few minutes to do the "Jack Squat!" Then Jimmy asked him again if he was ready to read the book.
Bubba replied with, "I still poopin'"
Alright, I guess it's almost time to start potty training...
Do we really need to hear about this kind of crap!
We all assume you changed him before he sat on daddy's lap to read. Information like that is valuable to your readers otherwise they fill in the blanks with all of the other GROSS possibilities!
Yeah, I have to admit my mind usually stems towards the gross possibilities! I was thinking, "Doesn't Jimmy want to change him before putting him on his lap!"
I don't think the words JIMMY WANT & CHANGE have ever been used in a sentence before! He would change bubba's diaper if I asked begged would be a more appropriate word. But, of course I changed him before he sat in his lap. Not because he wouldn't sit there, but because Jimmy couldn't stand the smell for that long! :)
And dad, please refrain from using foul smelling language on my blog! ;)
Your dad's right. I was thinking, "Okay, Jimmy, let the poor kid poop" and "Ab, did he change Bubba first?"
all you needed to add to that story was a smell effect....
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