It's Happy!
Bubba has a funny way of calling things "happy" when it's opposite of something he doesn't like. Here's some examples:
The show's not scary, it's happy
The french fries aren't hot, they're happy
The candy's not spicy, it's happy
My room's not dark, it's happy
The water's not cold, it's happy
The diaper's not yucky, it's happy
(you get the idea)
I'm not sure why he says happy for the opposite, but one night we were walking out to get into the car and he saw the moon and told me it was also "happy". I don't know if he really knows what that word means, but he does use it correctly when I ask him if he needs a spankin' for not obeying.
He says, "no mama, I happy!"
This little man makes me happy!
I happy when you write happy things that Mr. Happy says.
Sometimes that's a good way of looking at the world! Turn the bad stuff into "happy."
you are always thinking - to be cautious can be a good thing - here is a little trick i have - if i am watching a scary movie i just remind myself . . . there is a camera man there somewhere - love ya - meemaw
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