Where Jesus?

Recently at church, I was holding Bubba during worship. I was telling him to sing "Jesus" because we were singing, "Jesus, thank you". He was giving me the pondering look. So I said it again. Then he finally said, "Where Jesus?"
Then the other night I was putting him in bed and he was trying to get me to let him stay up. He was telling me that he was scared and wanted the light on. I was trying to find out why he was scared. I started to pray with him and he calmed right down. I told him that Jesus was with him and that He was protecting him and keeping him safe.
Then he gave me that same pondering look and said again, "Where Jesus?"
Let's just say that I did my best to explain to him where Jesus was. He knows that Jesus died on the cross for him, but it can be a bit confusing for him when I'm talking about Jesus like He should walk in the room or something. It was very good for me and for him, I hope. :)
What a handsome little guy. Good genetics I guess.
I would have loved to have heard that conversation.
how you process what you hear is so neat - your world is so visible that you would expect and want to see Jesus - you are learning what faith is . . . trusting in what you do not see - this was a very special bedtime for you & momma - Jesus is always with you and Jesus will never forsake you - love ya - meemaw
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