Friday, July 15, 2005
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Dish towel
One day after Bubba woke up from his nap, I let him watch a show on tv while I was finishing up the dishes. He was still a bit groggy and trying to wake up completely.
Where he was sitting, was between me in the kitchen and the door to the laundry room. When you're in the kitchen, you can see through an opening in the wall to the family room. So, instead of just walking over to the laundry room and throwing the dirty dish towel in there, I decided to try to throw it in front of the laundry room door. Unfortunately, the damp, filthy towel opened up in mid-air and covered Bubba's head completely.
Poor little guy was in such shock and of course I couldn't restrain myself from hysterically laughing. Thankfully, he thought it was funny as well.
Lolipop Guy
For those of you who have children, I'm sure you've experienced a time when they were so exhausted that they started getting very silly.
Well, the other night we went to the church softball game. It was at Beachmont Christian Camp. If you've ever been there, you know that there are lots of huge hills. Well I think Bubba ended walking up every one of them. By the time we left, he was pretty exhausted. As we were driving home, he was sucking on his lolipop as I was asking him questions about different people's names. I was saying things like, "Who is Iris' mommy and daddy?" or, "Who is Zeke's mommy and daddy?" then I said, "What's mommy's name?"
He said, "Abby". I was pretty shocked that he knew.
Then I said, "What's daddy's name?"
He said, "Lolipop Guy". Through my laughter, I tried to ask him why daddy was lolipop guy. He responded by saying, "Because he has a mustache".
For those of you who haven't seen my husband, he DOESN'T have a mustache. And, I'm pretty sure his name isn't lolipop guy. I think he was definitely being silly and just ready to go to bed.
Please say Thank You
It can be pretty embarrassing when your child bosses other kids around. Thankfully this time it was his cousins, so they were a little more forgiving.
Jack was riding in his Auntie's van and was sitting on the middle bench of the minivan. He was handing fruit loops back over to his cousins on the back bench. After they would grab the cereal, he would then say what he hears me say about 50 times a day, "Please say thank you".
Friday, July 08, 2005
Where Jesus?

Recently at church, I was holding Bubba during worship. I was telling him to sing "Jesus" because we were singing, "Jesus, thank you". He was giving me the pondering look. So I said it again. Then he finally said, "Where Jesus?"
Then the other night I was putting him in bed and he was trying to get me to let him stay up. He was telling me that he was scared and wanted the light on. I was trying to find out why he was scared. I started to pray with him and he calmed right down. I told him that Jesus was with him and that He was protecting him and keeping him safe.
Then he gave me that same pondering look and said again, "Where Jesus?"
Let's just say that I did my best to explain to him where Jesus was. He knows that Jesus died on the cross for him, but it can be a bit confusing for him when I'm talking about Jesus like He should walk in the room or something. It was very good for me and for him, I hope. :)
Robot Guy
Bubba loves to put his guys, especially spidey, in the tissue box. I think he thinks they're hiding in there. Well, this morning he walked up to me and said, "I robot guy!" I looked down and saw the tissue box on his foot. He did look like a robot guy, (even though I'm not really sure what a robot guy looks like) but it just seemed like that was what a robot guy would look like.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
It's Happy!
Bubba has a funny way of calling things "happy" when it's opposite of something he doesn't like. Here's some examples:
The show's not scary, it's happy
The french fries aren't hot, they're happy
The candy's not spicy, it's happy
My room's not dark, it's happy
The water's not cold, it's happy
The diaper's not yucky, it's happy
(you get the idea)
I'm not sure why he says happy for the opposite, but one night we were walking out to get into the car and he saw the moon and told me it was also "happy". I don't know if he really knows what that word means, but he does use it correctly when I ask him if he needs a spankin' for not obeying.
He says, "no mama, I happy!"
Friday, July 01, 2005
Reading a book

Jimmy wanted to read a book with Bubba when he got home from work.
Bubba said, "no".
Jimmy told him to go a pick out a book, so he did. As he brought it over to him, Jimmy started to grab him to put him in his lap. Bubba was still resisting, and so Jimmy said, "Bubba, don't you want Daddy to read you a book?"
Bubba wanted to read, he just didn't want to sit in Jimmy's lap. We realized why, when he said, "I poopin', Daddy".
Jimmy gave him a few minutes to do the "Jack Squat!" Then Jimmy asked him again if he was ready to read the book.
Bubba replied with, "I still poopin'"
Alright, I guess it's almost time to start potty training...