Thursday, July 14, 2005

Lolipop Guy

For those of you who have children, I'm sure you've experienced a time when they were so exhausted that they started getting very silly.

Well, the other night we went to the church softball game. It was at Beachmont Christian Camp. If you've ever been there, you know that there are lots of huge hills. Well I think Bubba ended walking up every one of them. By the time we left, he was pretty exhausted. As we were driving home, he was sucking on his lolipop as I was asking him questions about different people's names. I was saying things like, "Who is Iris' mommy and daddy?" or, "Who is Zeke's mommy and daddy?" then I said, "What's mommy's name?"

He said, "Abby". I was pretty shocked that he knew.

Then I said, "What's daddy's name?"

He said, "Lolipop Guy". Through my laughter, I tried to ask him why daddy was lolipop guy. He responded by saying, "Because he has a mustache".

For those of you who haven't seen my husband, he DOESN'T have a mustache. And, I'm pretty sure his name isn't lolipop guy. I think he was definitely being silly and just ready to go to bed.


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